I think it would be safe to say that absolutely no part of the month of January went as planned. I was determined to be " organized " this year...to be " on top of things " and to stop " freaking out because I put everything off until the very last possible second and then took an ice cream break anyway ." I spent a whole afternoon making lists and color coding my January calendar so that I could efficiently balance cookies and family and still have time to make myself a better person by reading instructive and insightful novels and spending quality time with my running shoes.
How to Make Caramel and Chocolate Covered Pretzel Rods
Last night I dreamed that I was in the middle of a zombie apocalypse while watching a private Cirque Du Soleil performance in an opera house. I'm not really sure if it's a commentary on all the late nights (early mornings) I've been putting in lately or a result of the panic I feel at trying to comprehend how all the tiny little plastic pieces are supposed to fit together to create my son's Cub Scout Space Derby rocket.
How to Make a Decorated Banner Heart Cookie
I'm basically a time traveling genius because I'm pretty sure I caught the Winter Plague this year. I'm normally the only person in the house that doesn't get sick. I'm a super hero of immunity. But I just can't kick it this time. It's sucking me down to the depths of sadness and umm...everything else that comes with feeling like badness inside. But early this morning as I was lying on the couch wondering just how much worse I would need to get before I could legitimately be admitted to the hospital...I discovered something.
The LilaLoa Collection for Ann Clark Cookie Cutters
I know what you are thinking -- and let me assure you that the world as you know it is NOT, in fact, ending. I know it seem like it with me posting on a Monday and all. I mean...I can barely get myself out of bed in the morning...much less form coherent thoughts using actual letters and punctuation. But this can't wait even one more day. I have another fantastic cookie cutter announcement!
The Cookie Companion -- COOKIE CUTTERS!!!!
I'm not sure if you know...but I'm super good at imagining things. Like if there were ninjas of imagination...I would be the Ra's al Ghul. Except maybe not the super-villain part. There is not a situation in the world that I couldn't imagine my way into or out of. Seriously...crazy sounds in the night are amateur hour compared to my imagination. But for all that, I would have never NEVER imagined that a day like this would come.