A royal icing mix that claims to make shiny gold icing that you can PIPE straight out of the bag and not need to paint to get that ultra-shiny gold look? Is it the real deal or too good to be true? (Spoiler alert - IT'S LEGIT!!! The Evil Cake Genius Gold Icing Mix is a total cookie decorating game changer.) Oh you guys. Tell me if you've heard this story before. Your client wants gold details on their cookies. The perfectest, shiniest, precisest gold details that every existed. So you make those gorgeous cookies. You ever-so-carefully and masterfully pipe those details with an icing that is as close to gold colored as you can get. And then you mix your shiny gold luster dust of choice to **just** the right consistency (hopefully!!) and then painstakingly paint every. single. tiny. detail. for hours on end with an absolutely tiny brush...hoping to only get that gold luster dust exactly where you want it. Only to end up with cookies that feel like they were finished by Jackson
How To Make Skin Tone Color Icing - For Cookies and Cakes
Everyone should feel represented. Use these skin tone color formulas to know what colors to mix to match skin tones more easily! Cookies, like flowers, have a near magical ability to transform even the most ordinary of days into something special. They brighten the occasion and are a tangible display of love, thought, and affection. Use this skin tone chart to make the occasion every more meaningful! Take a screenshot. Pin the post. Save or download the photos. And then use this chart with your customers. Let them choose the color that best represents themselves or their loved one. Come back here for the formulas to re-create the color. I also have the high resolution version of the charts in their different options available for free download without watermarks HERE . You are free to use these images in your business, with your customers or friends or family...anywhere you feel it will share love and understanding and hope. A FEW NOTES ABOUT THE COLOR FORMULAS: I used Chefmaster