
How to Make Cameo Cookies From a Mold

I don't know about you guys, but I just can't make myself turn on my oven right now. It's like my oven is telepathic. If I even get out my sketch book and cutters, it somehow heats my house up another 10 degrees. And then I get all heat lethargic and have to crawl around looking for water and refuge. Which is awkward because it doesn't seem to affect my children.

Under The Sea Creatures -- Cookies and Cards

You guys know this is my favorite day of the month! I get to peruse my cousin's fantastic paper creation blog and then recreate one of them in sugar form. I actually made these awhile and I have been SAVING them for some reason that even I don't comprehend. And also I may have forgotten I had them for awhile. But here we are with some of the cutest, most adorablest sea creature cookies I've ever made. Which is not a surprise considering I used this CUTEST BEYOND WORDS crab card as my inspiration!!!! WHY did I not also make the flower?! (Because I'm just awful at flowers, that's why. But next time...Imma brave it anyway. It's just too cute.) 1. Bake yourself a crab shaped cookie. You can eat one of them if you want to. I won't tell. 2. Using thick black icing and a #2 tip, outline the entire cookie. For some reason, I thought it made sense to leave gaps for the eyes. doesn't. Just outline the whole thing. Let the outline dry for ...

How To Make Sailboat Cookies -- 4 Ways

There was a time in my life that summers meant sailboats. Little tiny one person sailboats that I could carry all by myself....Sailboats I made out of spare parts and fiberglass....Catamaran sailboats that would fly practically sideways through the water...Big ol' sailboats with booms and giant genoa sails that you could sleep in for days. I taught people to sail and took people on sailing tours and I raced sailboats and very nearly won... and I never thought I would find something that made me that happy. And then, guess what? There are a MILLION fantastic things in this life! Like getting married and crazy kids and living in South Korea and whitewater rafting and rock climbing and making cookies and MAKING COOKIES WITH COOKIE FRIENDS!!! I just spent this weekend hanging out with cookie friends and filming some shows for McGoo U. And basically, I'm high on life right now. I wish I could share this week with all of YOU! But since I can't, I'm going to share saili...