Learn how to make some blood pressure cuff decorated sugar cookies for your favorite doctor, nurse, or medical professional with this royal icing cookie decorating tutorial!! If you've known me for longer than seven seconds, you might be vaguely aware that SUGAR is kind of a thing at my house. I did one of those "sugar diets" once -- you know, where you pretend like you can go an entire 30 days without eating any added sugars. I was mighty proud of myself when I made it to 10am on the first day. MY-TEE PROUD.
Floral Garden Color Palette and Icing Formulas
Use this icing color palette and the formulas to make icing for your next floral cookie project!! I used Chefmaster brand food coloring for all of these formulas. If you're not sure what the "parts" mean, or how to use these formulas, check out THIS POST for detailed step-by-step photos! See more of my color palettes and formulas HERE! Grab the cutters: Baby , Plaque , Footprint Heart , Floral Cluster (surprised?!) , Bow , Tall Heart , Leaf , Bottle , Pacifier .
Sloth Color Palette and Icing Formulas
Use this icing color palette and the formulas to make icing for your next sloth cookie project!! I used Chefmaster brand food coloring for all of these formulas. If you're not sure what the "parts" mean, or how to use these formulas, check out THIS POST for detailed step-by-step photos! When I make different colors with the same ratios (like the pinks and browns above), I usually make the darkest color first. Then I add some of the darker colored icing into a bowl of fresh white icing to make a lighter version of the same icing. See how I made the SLOTH COOKIES HERE !! See more of my icing color palettes and formulas here!