Looking for an FDA approved EDIBLE gold dust that is still shiny?! What does edible and non-toxic even mean? This post is full of all the explanations and links to my top ten favorite shiny, edible gold luster dusts!! It can be REALLY CONFUSING trying to navigate the world of "edible" and "non-toxic" and "FDA approved" when you are shopping for gold and silver and other metallic (and even some non-metallic) dusts for cookie decorating. Don't worry though. I've got you covered with...once again...probably more information that you really want to know when it comes to choosing the shiniest edible gold dusts on the planet. And if you want to skip all that good ol' fashioned unsolicited advice and learning -- CLICK HERE to jump to my top ten recommended edible gold dusts.
Tropical Parrot Color Palette and Icing Color Formulas
Use this icing color palette and the formulas to make icing for your next tropical jungle cookie project!! I used Chefmaster brand food coloring for all of these formulas. If you're not sure what the "parts" mean, or how to use these formulas, check out THIS POST for detailed step-by-step photos! See how I made the parrot cookies HERE!! See more of my color palettes and formulas HERE! Get the cutters: parrot , flower , heart leaf , teardrop leaf , and small heart.
How To Make Decorated Parrot Sugar Cookies
Learn how to make some brightly colored parrot decorated sugar cookies with this royal icing cookie decorating tutorial!! I've decided that I'm going to stop using the word "homeschooling" to describe what is currently happening in my home. I think it's giving homeschooling a bad reputation. " Checking my email 71 times a day and rapid fire negotiating with my four children simultaneously while trying to also download new learning apps and find lost logins before they realize we are 27 minutes past our scheduled time for their nutritious afternoon snack and everyone devolves into an exploding slush of anger and resentment " ...just seems a little long though.
Jungle Color Palette and Icing Color Formulas
Use this icing color palette and the formulas to make icing for your next tropical jungle cookie project!! I used Chefmaster brand food coloring for all of these formulas. If you're not sure what the "parts" mean, or how to use these formulas, check out THIS POST for detailed step-by-step photos! When I make different colors with the same ratios (like the pinks above), I usually make the darkest color first. Then I add some of the darker colored icing into a bowl of fresh white icing to make a lighter version of the same icing. See more of my color palettes and formulas HERE ! Grab the cutters: Toucan , Flamingo , Chameleon , Parrot (coming soon), Cloud , Bow, Tropical Leaf , Long Leaf , Pineapple , Sun , Long Petal Flower , Wonky Petal Flower , and Nancy Plaque .
Kid Craft -- Candy Center Sugar Cookies
Let kids in on the cookie fun with this easy smashed candy cookie project just for them! So... today happened. The whole day. It just kept going. And we kept going with it. My kids made crafts. And ate food. And colored. And fought. And ate more food. And did more crafts. And cried. And tickled each other. And I made an unbelievably GIANT MESS in the kitchen with my kids today. And I heard one of them say, "This is a lot of work. You do this every day?!" And for half a second, I thought they were impressed with the unbelievable amount of work and time I put into this passion of mine...the late nights, the hours of making and rolling dough, making the same mistakes over and over out of exhaustion... FINALLY they were appreciating the hard work that goes into these sugar creations of mine!! I HAVE SUCCEEDED IN THEIR SUGAR EDUCATION!!!
Kids Craft -- Colored Cookie Dough Sugar Cookies
Let kids in on the cookie fun with this easy colorful dough sugar cookie project just for them! So... as it turns out, like many of you out there - my children and I have found ourselves in the middle of an involuntary Corona-cation. No school. No church. All other social activities that have ever existed are cancelled. I'm not sure if your kids are as talented as mine at running out of things to do...but two days in...they are absolutely certain that they've played every board game we own, that SOMEONE ELSE left those 17 pairs of socks under the couch, and that nachos are actually a vegetable. (And you know I'm not one to ruin someone else's dream so...we're gonna let the nacho question slide for now.)
CookieCon 2020 - Louisville, Kentucky Keynote Address
I love you. I love you as a community and I love you as individuals. I'm so grateful to be part of such a massive conglomeration of artists and bakers and givers and students and teachers and sharers and friends . I went to CookieCon in Louisville, Kentucky last week with about 950 of my new closest friends. I was completely honored to have been invited to give the keynote address at the opening night of CookieCon. I stood in front of you all and did absolutely ridiculous things and told you stories from my heart and shared some things that I truly, truly hope you take into your own souls...because I love you. And I wish you all the best. And I hope you find joy and peace and love. Click play above to watch the entire keynote address! And because I'm secretly quite proud of myself for how these graphics turned out...I'm putting them all here for you to look at at your leisure. I always tell new decorators that they have to try something three...