Learn how to make some fancy Christmas coal decorated sugar cookies with this royal icing cookie decorating tutorial!! Has anyone truly ever been "ready for Christmas?" I always have these well thought out strategies to purchase Christmas presents throughout the year...or at least start by Halloween...or to definitely get some things out of the way by Thanksgiving for sure... I have alllll the intentions of REALLY cleaning my house in November. I think it would be great to help my children sort through their own belongings so we can discover that the only snow boots in the house are somehow 7 sizes too small for even our youngest child BEFORE we get two feet of snow.
Trim the Tree Color Palette and Icing Color Formulas
Use this icing color palette and the formulas to make icing for your next Christmas tree cookie decorating project!! I used Chefmaster brand food coloring for all of these formulas. If you're not sure what the "parts" mean, or how to use these formulas, check out THIS POST for detailed step-by-step photos! When I make different colors with the same ratios (like the greens and reds above), I usually make the darkest color first. Then I add some of the darker colored icing into a bowl of fresh white icing to make a lighter version of the same icing. When I make very light or pale icing colors, I mix the food coloring into a very small amount of icing (2 tablespoons) first and then use that saturated icing to color the rest of my icing. (Check out THIS POST for details.) See how I made the Christmas tree cookies HERE!! Grab the tutorial for the Christmas ornament cookies HERE!! See more of my color palettes and formulas HERE!
How To Make Decorated Christmas Tree Sugar Cookies
Learn how to make some whimsical Christmas tree decorated sugar cookies with this royal icing cookie decorating tutorial!! Sometimes I calculate my designs. Not like...mathematically. And definitely not like some unfeeling villain-type that is about to break some poor sweet girl's heart. I don't *think* I'm a villain-type. And you can totally ask my husband - I definitely have ALL THE FEELINGS...usually all in the same day even. I think sometimes I break some poor girl's heart though.
Sweet Tropical Paradise Color Palette and Icing Color Formulas
Use this icing color palette and the formulas to make icing for your next tropical island or summer cookie project!! If you are planning to go to CookieCon in March -- you can come decorate these cookies with me !! If you have a CookieCon ticket already, my class tickets will go on sale on Wednesday, December 15th!!! I used Chefmaster brand food coloring for all of these formulas. If you're not sure what the "parts" mean, or how to use these formulas, check out THIS POST for detailed step-by-step photos! Check out my CookieCon Add-on Workshop class HERE !! See more of my color palettes and formulas HERE !
Holiday Giveaway from The Flour Box!!
If you're one of my friends that comes around here very often, you probably know that I get together with Callye of Sweet Sugarbelle every December to host a ridiculously fun amount of giveaways from all of our favorite vendors. It didn't happen this year. I'm about to be real honest and open with you for half a minute and then I promise I'll get right to the giveaway. But you can also just scroll right on down too if you want.
Honey Bear Baby Color Palette and Icing Color Formulas
Use this icing color palette and the formulas to make icing for your next honey bear baby cookie project!! I used Chefmaster brand food coloring for all of these formulas. If you're not sure what the "parts" mean, or how to use these formulas, check out THIS POST for detailed step-by-step photos! When I make very light or pale icing colors, I mix the food coloring into a very small amount of icing (2 tablespoons) first and then use that saturated icing to color the rest of my icing. (Check out THIS POST for details.) See more of my color palettes and formulas HERE ! Grab the cutters: leaf , pajamas, balloon , baby , hexagon , and rattle . The bottle cutter is no longer available, but THIS ONE is a great substitute. The honey pot and beehive were hand cut.