Use this cookie decorating tutorial to learn how to make cute unicorn candy corn cookies for Halloween!
You guys. It SNOWED this weekend. I was just minding my own fall-loving-Halloween-celebrating business when it just APPEARED out of thin air. (NOT a metaphor this time!) How am I supposed to enjoy these last few weeks of the brightly colored, sugar covered, hyped up costume wearing season that is October?!
Short answer - I won't.
I'm about to hang up my "Daylight Savings Time" Lights early this year. (We don't call them Christmas lights at my house because we really do leave them up the entire winter Daylight unSavings Time period. I have issues that involve me ACTUALLY LIKING THE SUN AND LIGHT AND WARMTH AND SUMMER.)
So... fair warning... I'm going to bombard you with all my remaining Halloween tutorials this week...and then it's going to be all cocoa and sweaters from here on out. And probably a lot of cold-weather related complaining. Good luck with that.
How to make cute unicorn candy corn decorated sugar cookies for Halloween.
Step 1.
Use a straight edge to trim the sides of the unicorn cookie before baking.Step 2.
Outline and fill the very top part of the candy corn with a medium consistency gray icing. Let dry for 15 minutes.Step 3.
Add curved detail lines to the unicorn horn with the same gray icing. Let dry for an hour.Step 4.
Paint the horn with silver luster dust or silver airbrush spray.Step 5.
Pipe the white, orange, and yellow segments one right after the other so that the icing smooths together. Let dry for at least 8 hours.Step 6.
Pipe two small white dots of icing for the eyeballs. Immediately add smaller drops of green icing followed by black icing. Pipe a tiny dot of white where the green and black icing meet. Add detail lines with a black food color marker.
Get the supplies: FDA Approved Silver Luster Dust, and Black Food Color Marker.
See how to make Mummy Unicorn Full Body Cookies and Mummy Unicorn Face Cookies.