Use this cookie decorating tutorial to learn how to make bright and fun Back To School decorated sugar cookies for your favorite student or teacher!
Sometimes I think about my life before I moved to America. My kids were each born in a different state or country. They are actually convinced that if we move again that they will get a little brother. My 3 year old says, "You get in an airplane and then you get a baby." I'm letting her believe that for now.
I used to dream about moving back to America and how easy it would be to find the exact cutter I always dreamed of. And turning lanes. And buying milk at 3 in the morning. And owning a house instead of renting. But as it turns out... I still order most of my cutters from the internet. Turning lanes actually are the most fantastic thing that ever happened to my driving life. I've never once, in the entire 2 years I've been back gone to purchase milk at 3 in the morning. And owning a house? Not quite as fantastic as I remembered it being.
Oh sure, I can build a climbing wall in my living room if I want to and cut holes in the walls for new windows. But I also have to figure out why all my plants are dying. And make myself actually clean my oven since there isn't a moving date and inspection looming over my head to terrify me into keeping things cleanish to begin with. And I have to fix things and paint things and buy a small car and install it in my laundry room when the blower on my furnace stops working. Sure, they *call* it a furnace...but when they were all standing around talking about how many BTUs that beauty has...I'm pretty sure they knew they just sold me a car too.
And having repair people in your house is so awkward. I mean, either you're hovering or you're allowing a complete stranger to wander your house with reckless abandon. I choose reckless abandon in case you are wondering. I mean...those cookies aren't going to decorate themselves. Secretly though, I'm just hoping they aren't judging the mass quantities of sugar and Netflix in my kitchen. And I've got all these answers ready for them just in case they look at me with judging eyes. But they never do. It's like they couldn't care less what I'm doing with my life. Can you believe that? It's like my only purpose it to give them money and be satisfied with the repair.
I'm already tired of being a home owner. But I can't move...because you know what happens when you get in an airplane....
But I can make cookies. Especially back-to-school cookies. I've made backpack cookies before...but when I saw this footed egg guy in my Easter cutter box.... I knew it was going to find a new home in my school cutter box. (No airplane required for this move.)
How to make decorated Back To School backpack sugar cookies:
Step 1.
Use thick icing and a #6 tip to pipe a line across the bottom edge of the backpack. You could also just use a #3 tip and medium consistency icing.Step 2.
Outline and fill the backpack section of the cookie with medium consistency light blue icing and a #3 tip. Let it dry for at least 30 minutes.Step 3.
Use medium consistency blue icing and a #3 tip to make a square for the pocket. With medium consistency tan icing and a #3 tip, add a leg. Let it dry for at least 10 minutes.Step 4.
Add another leg with the same icing. Use white icing to pipe a small name patch above the backpack pocket.Step 5.
Use medium consistency yellow icing to add hair above the backpack. Add shoes with medium consistency brown icing. Allow to dry overnight.Step 6.
Add stitching details and a zipper with a black food color marker. Write the name on the white patch. Add a pony tail if your student is a girl. Try to make yours more normal looking and not weird like mine.
Learn how I made these colored pencil cookies HERE. Or see all my other school cookies HERE.
Learn how to make the most adorable pencils ever with Callye of The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle HERE.