Parade of Snowmen -- Guest Post from Cristin's Cookies

What? Another guest post? I know what you are thinking -- Will the fun never end? Don't worry. It's for real. This is really happening friends. It's not going to go away when you close your eyes.

Today's guest post is brought to you by the number 38 and Cristin from Cristin's Cookies. When I met Cristin, she was trying to decide if she should get a 6qt mixer or a smaller, PINK mixer. I said big, she chose pink. It was like destiny brought us together. We are practically the same person. She rides her bike a jillion miles a day -- I sometimes go up the stairs if the elevator is broken. She's met Lance Armstrong -- I once did a running test that people say he was really good at. She uses glaze -- I use royal icing. We couldn't be more alike. Anyway...she was super nice to agree to guest post. AND, she even let me go over to her blog today as well! What she doesn't know is that when she's not looking, I'm totally going to peak in her cupboards to see if she is secretly hoarding any left over Halloween candy in there. We ran out of sour patch kids last week and I just don't think I can wait another 9 months for them to come 'round again. 

When I received an email from the infamous LilaLoa asking me if I would be interested in guest posting for her blog, I about cried – or peed in my pants (can you say that on a food blog?) or both! What an incredible honor!  I have drooled over Georganne’s gorgeous cookies and incredible creativity this past year as I’ve gotten to know her better through my new obsession with cookie decorating. In addition to sharing her wisdom and creativity, she is also FUNNY. Not just funny. Hilarious! Like side-splitting, pee in your pants (yes, I said it again) that kind of funny. She promised me that I don’t have to attempt to be funny or witty (not even slightly possible) and I could just provide you with a tutorial because I love to do tutorials on my blog:

So here we go. LilaLoa asked me to make snowmen cookies. Okay, I can do that. I have LOTS of snowmen and for  LilaLoa’s fans that don’t know me… I tend to do things big. Big cookies and lots of them, so Georganne’s theme of snowmen worked out great for me. I made just a few ;-)

I have about 10 snowmen cookie cutters, so I decided to make them all.

I started by baking all the cookies. I was going to use LilaLoa’s DELICIOUS chocolate cookie recipe (which people that don’t even like chocolate still get up in the middle of the night to sneak a chocolate cookie from this recipe), but I’ve been wanting to try out Sugarbelle’s brown sugar cookie recipe, so this seemed like a good opportunity for that.

Next I outlined all the snowmen cookies. Since I don’t use Royal Icing and instead use Glaze Icing, I often outline my cookies since glaze doesn’t get the dimension that RI does.

Next I filled the white on all the snowmen. I call this the base coat or bottom layer. This is also when you want to add candy pearls and eyes to your snowmen. I used black candy beads on most of them.

Next I filled the hats and scarves with colored icing. IF you decide to use sanding sugar, this is the time. Make sure all of the white sections are fully dry first. I decided not to use sanding sugar on my snowmen this time. Hubby loves sanding sugar, so I use it a lot, but with this new recipe, I decided not.

Now is the time to add some rosy cheeks to our snowmen. I love rosy cheeks. I used Cranberry Luster Dust since it’s a nice deep color.

To apply the luster dust, just make sure that the area is dry and use a cotton swab dipped in a bit of luster dust and swirl for rosy cheeks. Easy-peasy right?

Next I added eye-lashes for the girls and eyebrows for the boys. Sometimes I use edible markers for this and sometimes I use icing. Today I used edible markers from Americolor.

Next you want to add whatever extra detail you’d like. I added snow swirls at the bottom of the snowmen and I added some extra detail to their hats and scarves.

The last step was to add the carrot noses and their cute smiles and they’re all done. Then you show them to your friend, tell her how incredibly grateful you are to be invited to guest post on their blog and your son says over your shoulder – tell her how yummy they are and she’s missing out by being all the way in Korea! ;-)

Thank you for this honor Georganne!

This is a short biography of the post author and you can replace it with your own biography.