Learn how to make some Halloween potion bottle decorated sugar cookies with this royal icing cookie decorating tutorial!!
I'm just going to be real quick with this post today because I've got about 3 gallons of Halloween candy that needs eating before my kids get home. And not to brag or anything, but I've basically trained my entire life for just such an occasion.
(Side note: I think there should be MANY different flavors of whip cream on Thanksgiving. That kind of effort and determination should be rewarded.)
College was a hot bed of young athletes and a string of roommates that "worked out" and "ate healthy" and "cared about their hearts." I'm not going to lie, I played Rugby just as well on a bag of wild berry skittles as I did after a heart healthy meal of whole grains and lean protein.
I've literally never uttered the phrase "That's so rich you can only have one or two bites." I'm no quitter.
Also, the word "utter" makes me a little uncomfortable and slightly sick, if I'm being honest, and I feel like we should really take the time to dive into that, but my kids are seriously going to be home soon...so let's just get to the tutorial!!
How to make Halloween potion bottle decorated sugar cookies:
Step 1.
Use the bottom edge of the cutter and a black food color maker to create a guide for the top of the liquid in the potion bottle.
Step 2.
With a medium consistency yellow icing an da #2 tip, outline and fill the oval you just drew. Pipe a line of icing across the top of the bottle with a medium consistency gray icing an da #3 tip. Let it dry for at least 30 minutes.
Step 3.
Outline and fill the bottom of the cookie with a medium consistency orange icing and a #3 tip. Add three dots of yellow icing to the bottom right edge of the potion bottle cookie. Pipe the top of the cork with a medium consistency brown icing. Let dry for another 30 minutes.
Step 4.
With the same brown icing, pipe the bottom of the cork. Immediately outline and fill the middle part of the cookie with the medium consistency gray icing. Use a scribe tool to scrape vertically along the edges of the cookie to smooth out the joints between icing colors.
Fill in the back edges of the bottle rim with the gray icing. Let dry for 30 minutes.
Step 5.
With a medium consistency white icing and a #1.5 tip, pipe a square-ish shape for a label/tag. Leave a hole in the top. Let dry for 2-3 hours.
Step 6.
Pipe string around the neck of the bottle with thick white icing and a #1.5 tip. OR (if you're lazy like me, use the same medium white icing and just give each layer of string 3-4 minutes to dry before adding another layer.) Connect the label/tag to the string. Pipe a spider, skull, or bat on the tag.
See it all come together in this Halloween potion bottle cookie decorating video tutorial.
Get the cutters: potion bottle, eyeball, and mini pumpkin.
Do you have a 3D printer? You can grab the STL file for the potion bottle cutter HERE.
I used this wafer paper spider on the eyeball cookies. You could also use any of these wafer paper shapes for the labels of the potion bottles!
Grab my tutorial for WITCH'S BROOM DECORATED COOKIES here.
Check out my tutorial for cute little spider decorated cookies here.