Use this icing color palette and the formulas to make icing for your next Halloween cookie project!!
I've never been a fan of mini cookies. Until I met this set of Sweet Sugarbelle Mini Shapeshifters. And then I fell absolutely, madly, head-over-heels in LOVE with minis. Every time I open that box...or bag...or tin... or whatever storage receptacle they are currently hiding in... (I can NOT make up my mind!!! Suggestions welcome! 😂😂😂) ... I instantly feel inspired and absolutely NEED to make one million cookies immediately.And while I was trying to sort through all my decorating belongings and household what-nots to move back into my newly finished (ish) kitchen -- I may have accidentally spilled my treasure trove of mini cutters. So really there was no other option but to wash them all straightway and then make a ridiculous amount of Halloween mini cookies with them.
And I figured... I may as well match them all to the Halloween M&M colors. You I can package them in cute little bags full of chocolate candies and cookies and give them out to trick-or-treaters!! (Because my neighbors allllllllways ask for extra cookies instead of candy on Halloween night!!)
I used Chefmaster brand food coloring for all of these formulas.
If you're not sure what the "parts" mean, or how to use these formulas, check out THIS POST for detailed step-by-step photos!
When I make different colors with the same ratios (like these colors above), I usually make the darkest color first. Then I add some of the darker colored icing into a bowl of fresh white icing to make a lighter version of the same icing.
See more of my color palettes and formulas HERE!