I know this isn't my usual type of Fantastic Find...but if you know me at all...you know I've got about a million kids around here. And by "a million," I of course mean "four." Or more. Some days my kitchen is just full of kids. And I absolutely love when they are interested in cookies or baking...or making anything kind of food at all for themselves. So a baking book for kids seemed like it would fit right in at my house.
When I heard about Kid Chef BAKES, I could not wait to check it out. It's a baking cookbook for junior chefs. It's not one of those "fun" cookbooks for kids where the parent does all the work and the kids get to pretend to help make something with a smiling face out of fruit and chocolate. The first section of the book is a mini baking school. Each chapter teaches some of the basics of baking without using fancy words and has a recipe that uses the skills learned in the chapter.
So...confession time... I actually bribed my two oldest children to choose a recipe from the book and make it by themselves. My 10 year old rarely helps in the kitchen aside from eating all desserts that ever existed. He chose to make lemon bars, and with the sole exception of putting the baking dish in and taking it out of the oven...he made them all by himself. I was actually a little bit shocked. My 7 year old needed quite a bit more help. I love that it's a bake book that they can both grow with.
There are savory and sweet recipes. And they range from simple to more complex. Some of them are definitely too much for a 10 year old to handle on his own (for example...one of them requires the use of a double boiler.) Every recipe that we've tried has tasted AMAZING. Those brownies in the picture? This is an actual photo of my youngest not being able to wait just ONE MORE MINUTE. They lasted exactly 12 minutes.
I would have loved to have seen more photos (As I say about almost every cookbook ever.) and some of the photos are a little small. On the whole, it's a really well organized cookbook for young bakers or even adults who want a little help with the basics of baking.
Bottom Line: Currently at $10 on Amazon...this would make a great gift for all the young aspiring bakers in your life.
And because I really want there to be more young bakers in this world...I'm giving away a copy of Kid Chef BAKES to one of you!!! Just click that Easy Entry button below before midnight on November 10, 2017th to enter! (And if you can't wait to see if you've won...you can grab a copy HERE.)
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TELL ME -- Do you have any other junior cookbooks you would recommend?