My brain is confused. I'm getting mixed signals, and I'm just not sure how to process them. It's November. And currently 72F outside right now. week is Thanksgiving. But everywhere I go...decorations scream CHRISTMAS and WINTER. And...I am NOT even kidding you right now...when I went to the store today...there were Cadbury eggs. I was not prepared for that. I mean...usually I have a few weeks after Christmas to solidify my willpower. To convince myself that I do not NEED eleventy jillion bags of Cadbury mini eggs. I didn't have that. It's like all the windows in my brain just crashed at once and the next thing I knew, I was sitting on my couch with my electric blanket, making my Thanksgiving menu and shopping for Christmas presents with a stomach ache because I had just eaten half a bag of the most delicious mini eggs that have ever existed in the history of ever. And it's not even cold enough for an electric blanket. Why isn't it winter? And how did Easter get here when we haven't even had Thanksgiving? How am I supposed to make "good life choices" that involve NOT eating my weight in chocolate while internet shopping if I don't get a heads up?!
Can we just agree to cut our losses here and formally agree that we will take no more than TWO holidays at a time?! I will cede the notion of Christmas coming before Thanksgiving if you will take back your Easter before New Year's Eve. That's my final offer.
But leave me the new watercolor and hand lettering trend. I'm all over that one. Want to see how I made these watercolor wreath inspired cookies? (Please say yes. They are SUPER fun!)
See how I made the WOOD GRAIN COOKIES.
Find out how to ANTIQUE COOKIES with a water brush.