If you've ever been in a room with me for longer than 12 seconds...you know that I'm a little bit of a "non-listener." It's just so hard to hear the sound of responsible people over the noise of my inner carnival. I'm all in or all out. And usually that means that I'm all in for whatever crazy idea I've got going on in my brain. And that I have no room for advice or actual reasoning. And also that I've probably got candy hidden in at least 3 different places "just in case." Because really, you never know when you're going to need some. And you can't be too careful when it comes to candy emergencies.
What I'm really trying to say here is that I actually have NO EARTHLY IDEA how this rose cutter is supposed to be used. There was a diagram on the back of the package, but I may have thrown it away before I read the words that someone so carefully placed there. My point is that this video shows how **I** made some roses with this cutter. There's a super good chance that there is a better way. But there's also a really good chance that I will never discover it. Because candy. That's why.
Grab the cutter HERE.
In case you missed it...you can enter to win one of these cutters HERE. (Giveaway ends on April 15, 2016)