Rock Candy Cookies

There are two things that every cookie decorator asks me.

The first -- what do you DO with all the cookies you make? The answer -- All sorts of stuff. I let my kids eat them. I let the neighbor kids eat them. I give them to everyone who will take them. I surprise teachers and coaches with them. Sometimes I throw them away when it's actually taken me 3 weeks to get myself on track and actually finish the cookies. And sometimes I give them to my friend because she likes to make magnets out of them.

And the second question -- How do you keep from eating them ALL THE TIME?! The answer to that is surprisingly simple. I don't like baked goods. Cakes, muffins, cookies, pastries all have a near zero appeal to me. I would consider myself the luckiest girl in the whole wide world if I didn't know my deep secret. I LOVE CANDY. All kinds of candy except the kind that are just chocolate and nuts. I only merely like those kind. But if it's brightly colored -- I'm in love. I'll buy it a ring and take it home to meet my parents. Then I'll hold it tightly and think fond thoughts before stuffing it all in my face before spending hours wallowing in regret and wishful thinking.

So imagine my supreme happiness when Dylan's Candy Bar offered to send me some candy to use making cookies. Sour candy button gumball machines?! Yes please!! AND, AND they sent me some candy and some candy jewelry and lip gloss to GIVE TO YOU too!!! I actually asked for the lip gloss specifically.'s candy! Everyone needs candy lip gloss! Stick with me for the cookies (I'll make it quick) and then I'll tell you how to win the goodies!

1. Use a popsicle cutter to cut out some dough. Use a plaque cutter to cut into the sides to reveal an asymmetrically wobbly looking thing. Bake as you normally would.
2. Use thick white icing and a #9 tip to pipe a vertical line for the stick.
3. This is the important step. Pipe a blob of pink with THICK pink icing.
4. Immediately cover with Pop Rocks! If you didn't listen to me and used medium-thick icing or even flood consistency icing your Pop Rocks will start popping all over the place and will...randomly... be a bubbly mess by morning. (Seriously though... I cannot wait to use this newfound knowledge making Halloween cookies!!) Once dried, do not store in a covered container for the same reason.

Okay... back to the stuff you really want to hear about. All you've got to do is jump over to Dylan's Candy Bar and come back and tell me YOUR weakness in a comment below. Is it fashion? Jewelry? Candy??!! (Tell me I'm not alone!) Leave your comment (on the blog OR through the widget) and enter through this rafflecopter widget by midnight on Monday August 31, 2015.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Grab the popsicle cutter, the plaque cutter or the gumball machine cutter.  And because I know you're going to ask... I used a regular ol' candy cane cutter for the gummy worms. Just bend them around a bit before baking.

Callye over at Sweet Sugarbelle has a fantastic Gumball Machine Tutorial.

And quite possibly my favorite candy cookies of all time -- SOUR PATCH candy cookies HERE!!

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