A few weeks ago on my Facebook page, I asked where everyone ordered their cookie bags from. The most common answers were Nashville Wraps and Gifts International. Christine from Bakerloo Station mentioned that she uses the compostable and biodegradable bags from Nashville Wraps. SAVING THE ENVIRONMENT WITH COOKIES??!! I pretty much had to try them.
The first thing that I noticed is that they take up A LOT more space than the other bags I use. Do you see that stack in the back left corner? That's only 100 bags.
I was concerned with how well they would seal with an impulse sealer. I was a little worried that they would turn into a melted mess all over the place. But, you know, science and all...
And as it turns out, they were actually easier to seal and cut than my regular cello bags. Not that cello bags are difficult to seal. But you know how they kind of stick to the impulse sealer just a little bit sometimes? These bags didn't do that. And they cut really well too.
So I sealed up a piece of my favorite bread. I sealed one half in a compostable bag and the other in one of my regular cello bags. My favorite bread. I made that sacrifice for you. I let it sit on the counter for a week. And I pinched it regularly. I noticed that the compostable bag seemed to breathe a little bit. Not like in and out on it's own...just...let me explain. I sealed the bags with air inside of them. And when I squished it hard and just held it as if I were trying to pop the bag, it seemed to deflate just the tiniest amount. I wasn't sure if it was in my head or not. After a week, I opened both bags and the bread was still soft in both of them. And then in the name of science, I decided to eat those pieces of my favorite bread. The one sealed in a regular cello bag tasted 100% fresh. The slice of bread in the compostable bag, while still soft, tasted only about 80% fresh. And then I started to worry that maybe I shouldn't be eating bread that has been sitting on the counter for an entire week.
Bread goes stale in minutes. After a week in the compostable bag, the bread was still soft. I couldn't tell that it was drier than the other piece until I put it in my mouth. (Thank goodness I'm willing to take that risk for you and science!) Cookies take much longer to get dry or stale. I would guess that these bags keep the cookies as fresh as the lidded containers from the dollar store that I use for my cookie jar. (Great. Now I'm going to have to put a piece of bread in one of those for a week!) So if you wanted to save the environment and only needed to keep your cookies fresh for 7-10 days, these would be your bags. I will probably use them for cookies that will be eaten within the week. They would not, however, be ideal for longer term cookies or for shipping.
Interested in trying these out? Grab your own COMPOSTABLE BAGS HERE!