Also, I bought popsicles for my children for the first time ever last week. And I told my daughter that I would save the other half that she didn't eat, but I didn't. I ate it when she wasn't looking. Now I'm probably going to eat half of another orange popsicle and pretend like it was hers. Also, apparently, popsicle isn't a real word. That's what Mr. Red Angry Spell-check Line is telling me. He needs to go look at last month's cookie challenge entries. They were so fun! I'm pretty sure they could make even Mr. Red Line happy.
Does anyone else have a 3D cutter set they just want to adore but have never tried? It makes me so happy to see these fun 3D cookies from Leni Cookies. I love that she finally tried them and I love how adorable they look!
Umm, is it just me or is this orchid cookie from LaLas Sweet Shop absolutely AMAZING??!! Such a pretty color and the striations in the petals are so perfect, not to mention the most perfectly created center!!
Don't you just LOVE these fun scarecrow faces?! Jane from Not So Plain Jane Cookies made these for the Go Bo Bake Sale. The black outlining is so striking and the whites of the eyes is absolutely incredible!!
Sue from Munchkin Munchies made these fantastic thought bubble cookies from a PANCAKE SHAPER!!! So so so creative! I love them!
Can you guess what cutters Kari from Yankee Girl Yummies used to make these spooky Halloween ghosts? It's something super clever and I would never have looked at them and thought "Hmm... let's make a ghost out of these." And the shading is fantastic!
And my most favorite cookies from the entire challenge are these crazy creative sling-shot cookies from Joanna at Kolorowe Ciasteczka. I literally spent 15 minutes looking at them, trying to figure out what possible cutter they could have come from. And I failed. And then I read her blog post and was completely shocked. This is maybe the most creative use of a cutter that I have ever seen. Ever. Go visit her and find out what she used!
And that brings us to the

Elizabeth from EZ The Baking Owl made these adorable owls for the Go Bo Bake Sale as well. I love, love, LOVE their eyes!! And although they are NOT chickens, she is still our winner-winner-chicken-dinner. Not that she is a chicken either. Just the winner part. Look for my email.
Thank you ALL so much for participating in the challenge! It was so fun to see people use cutters beautifully for their intended purpose as well as using them in fun, new, and creative ways!
Check out the rest of the Use That Cutter Challenge entries HERE.
Go enter the challenge for October and November -- Use the Pantone Fall Colors -- HERE.