After watching all of the entries come in for last month's Wet-on-Wet Challenge, I realized I'm kind of a wet-on-wet amateur. Here I am putting polka dots on every cookie west of the Mississippi (and considering myself to be quite a success if you must know,) and you guys are over there creating layers and texture and shading and night skies and pure happiness in cookie form with multiple hues of wet icing. You have inspired me. I am going to step up my game. From this moment forward I vow to some day make a cookie and NOT put polka dots on it. (I don't want to set my aim too high for fear of failure. And also because I'm lazy.)
Let's look at some of my favorites from last month. And then, of course, I will tell you the winner.
If it were socially acceptable to lie on my couch and stare at cookies all afternoon, these cookies from LaLas Sweet Shop would be the ones I would stare at. I'm kind of in love with them. I just adore the designs and the colors and the sharp black contrasting lines!
It probably won't come as a surprise that I also love these AMAZING and perfectly done Bluebonnets and Indian Blanket Flowers from Sweet Melissa's Cookies. So so so pretty. And detailed. And pretty. (Did I say that already? I meant it twice.)
And THESE flowers! I think that maybe flowers have some kind of magnetic attraction force of some kind that is highly invisible and super science fictiony that bonds it to wet-on-wet. Either that... or you guys are just brilliant. These fun and bright cookies from Yankee Girl Yummies just wouldn't have been the same without it.
Stars aren't the same thing as polka dots, are they? I think I could manage some of these. I would probably leave out the perfectly lit moon and the nicely outlined runner in favor of looking at more flower cookies from my couch though. Or more cookies like this from The Cookie Architect. Can I just point out the stars that are on top of each other? And the stars that are actually twinkling? SUCH a great use of wet-on-wet.
I LOVE this photo by A SugaryWorld. I want to live in a world where photos like this are possible for me to achieve without traveling too far from my couch and my pictures of flower cookies. And also maybe where there might be an extra shell cookie. And a light sailboat. And sunscreen.
And also winners. Wait... I DO live in a world where there are winners. Hold on. Let me go consult my good friend, Mr. Rand M. Org --
And the winner is #54 ---
Cookie D-oh with her striking Memorial Day Cookie Platter! Watch for my email!
You can check out the rest of the Wet-On-Wet Challenge entries HERE.
June's Challenge is a little different. Find out how HERE.