I am happy to report that I've moved on. I've met someone else. Dorothy from Crazy For Crust introduced me to a friend of hers called Blog Lovin. I decided to just go for it. I didn't hold back. Sure, there were some awkward moments while I was trying to figure out who I really am and what I want out of life, but Blog Lovin was patient and didn't try to rush it or make me feel bad about myself as a person. I'm no longer panicking. I'm overjoyed at a fantastic new relationship and I thought that maybe you would like to meet my new friend as well.
If you use Google Reader... follow these steps to switch over to Blog Lovin in less than 5 minutes.
(If you don't iGoogle Reader, skip the rest of this post and come back tomorrow to hear all about "The Journey to America- Part 1 of 1.")
The first step in importing your Google Reader blog list into Blog Lovin is to sign up for a Blog Lovin account HERE.
Then log into Google Reader. When you see this message... click on "OK."
It will take you to this screen. Find where it says "Click here" down near the bottom. Click there. (I know this seems confusing... but stick with me.)
Click on the red button at the bottom that says "Create Archive."
When the process is complete, click on the blue "Download" button.
This box should pop up. When I did this, I got the log in prompt twice before the box popped up. You might get lucky on your first try. You should probably save it somewhere that you can find it again and then click "OK" at the bottom of the box.
Open the folder that contains the file. Right click on the file and find "Extract All" in the menu that pops up. Again, save it somewhere you can find it easily... like your documents folder.
Now go to www.bloglovin.com/import. Click on the "Browse..." button.
Find the folder you just created. There are a couple of folders inside the folder. Just keep opening them until you see this screen. Click on the XML document and then click "Open" down at the bottom of the screen.
It will take you back to this screen. This time click on "Upload."
It takes a few minutes for it to load. Don't panic. Find some ice cream if you can't help it... and wait for this screen.
Email me if you have any questions! I would hate to lose any of you readers because of this switch!