Once upon a time in a land far, far away called South Korea, there lived a little bracket square cutter. And this little bracket square cutter was so sweet and beautiful that every loved it and wanted the cutter to come live with them and be their best friend forever. But this little bracket square cutter already had a best friend in the whole world, and wasn't looking for another best friend. Except that secretly, this cutter really did want another new best friend because her other best friend wouldn't take her to the mall or buy her chocolates or anything. And the cutter cried herself to sleep every night for at least like 3 days or something.
And then her fairy godmother, Beth (at Copper Gifts) took pity on the poor cutter and sent her not just one, but TWO new best friends. And they stayed up all night long talking and talking and giggling even though they promised they would go to bed by 10. And then they realized that three really is a crowd. And that one of them needed to go be someone else's new best friend forever...Okay, actually, this story is getting kind of weird.
Look, I'm just going to come right out and say this. Beth sent me an extra cutter to give away to one of you all. So...leave me a comment telling me what occasion or design you would use this cutter for and random.org will happily choose a winner. Giveaway ends at midnight Pacific Time on Wednesday, December 14, 2011.