Oh my goodness, I have been busy this week. I always seem to be busy and then have nothing to show for it at the end of the day. And for some reason...it continues to surprise me. I never catch on. But today is different. Because TODAY I have something to show for it.
There is going to be a birthday celebration in my house this week! (A real one. Not the kind where I turn 30 and buy myself a brownie at a bake sale.) I'm so excited because my little boy loves all the details. Its SO worth it. He's excited for streamers on the wall and to pick out his favorite color of balloons and he's excited to "design" his very own cake.
And, its kind of sad, but he's really excited for these cookies. I make lots of cookies, but he rarely gets them. I mean, that's a good thing as well. I know that you all secretly think I feed my children cookies for breakfast and lunch and... but it's NOT TRUE. (Most of the time.) Your missing the point. I'm excited because I get to make fun cookies for someone who will be truly excited to get them and give them to all of his friends. And just because I love him... I might even be making some special cookies just for my little guy to keep and eat all by himself.