I feel like I've been all in your face for the last 12 days. And I thought that maybe you would want a break from me. But I can't help myself. I have whole pile of fantastic cookies that just NEED to be shared!! So...first up are these winter lantern cookies that I made for an Advent Calendar 2016 collaboration. I kind of love collaborations. They always challenge me to look at cookies and designs in a new way. This one is full of sugar artists...each day reveals a new artist and a new sugar project. You can follow the FB page to see all of the projects. And today is my day!!
It's been super odd weather here this year. It's all warm and rainy instead of frigid and snowy. I had lettuce growing in my front yard until a week ago. (Seriously... don't get hung up on the fact that lettuce grows in my front yard. I swear I'm a normal neighbor.) I'm not normally a huge champion of winter. In fact you might call me a bit of a winter-non-lover. It's dark and cold and my children think that all my furniture has magically turned into a carnival of winter dreams and that the only way to bring out it's true magic is by screaming for hours on end. And by smooshing all possible foods into the cushions.
It's not ideal.
But somehow.. I miss all of those icy pellets of sadness and despair anyway. So I made some icy cold winter lamp cookies. And then ate them before my children could hide them under the couch cushions for later. Want to make some?
1. Bake cookies with a bell cutter. With a medium consistency blue icing and a #3 tip, pipe the base and the top of the lantern. Let it dry for an hour.
2. Add the body of the lantern with a medium consistency white icing. Let dry for another hour.
3. Pipe the detail frame with a medium consistency pale blue icing and a #3 tip. Pipe a red dot at the base of the body of the lantern.
4. Add a handle with the dark blue icing. Fill in the empty space in the base as well. Add a dot of light blue icing just above the red burner. Use a toothpick or scribe to pull the top of it out into the shape of a flame. Attach holly leaf sprinkles or royal icing transfers at the base of the lantern. Pipe 3 dots of red icing between the leaves.
Grab some HOLLY SPRINKLES or make your own with THIS STENCIL.
See the rest of the ADVENT PROJECTS HERE.