Fantastic Find Friday -- Rainbow Dust Metallic Food Paint

 I like shiny things. But I'm actually kind of picky about my attraction to most things gleaming. I don't like glitter and I don't like jewels. Which kind of leaves out any hope of ever owning a Bedazzler, but I have to say... given the chance.... I would totally buy one. But not for the reasons you think. Mostly I like metallic shiny things. So I figured that trying out these metallic food paints from Rainbow Dust were a pretty logical step.

I found these metallic food paints at How Sweet Is That? and promptly convinced myself that I simply couldn't live without them. They were everything I love -- BRIGHT colors with a shiny metallic sheen designed for FOOD. It's like they were made for me. They got here within days and then I spent weeks just looking at them. I mean... what if they DIDN'T live up to my every wish and desire? I couldn't live with the heartbreak. So I waited until right after my chocolate told me to exercise and just decided it couldn't get any worse and I went for it. And I'm so glad I finally did!

I actually used the light silver and dark gold on these shamrock gold coin cookies I had made. I used a brush and painted over an already gold cookie with those two colors...and you would NEVER have known what was under them!! It was perfection! The silver looks like REAL SILVER. Not just a shiny gray. It's like CHROME. It's fantastic!!  Except that the dark gold totally looks like bronze. To be fair though, it looks EXACTLY like the color on the website. I was just convinced that dark gold would look like gold. But BE AWARE...those wonky colors on the website are completely accurate! Burnt bronze really *is* red!

Are these your only options for getting a metallic luster on your cookies? Not by a long shot. Metallic food colors/paints aren't new. Americolor has some great metallic airbrush colors and there are a ton of metallic luster dusts too. The coverage on either of them though leaves a bit to be desired, and they usually require a couple of coats to be fully opaque. 

For the last few years, I've been mixing my Americolor gold airbrush color with gold luster dust to create a thicker coloring so I only have to use one coat. The consistency of most of the Rainbow Dust Metallic Food Colors is similar to the mix I've been using. If I had to describe it with some kind of technical term... I would say it's "gloopy." (Spell check does not agree with me that this is a technical term.) I LOVE THE CONSISTENCY.... of most of the colors I purchased. The spring green was not thick and gloopy. It was thin. And you could see all the brush strokes. You definitely have to add a second layer. And you definitely have to be super patient to do it. 1 hour wasn't long enough for the first layer to dry. And I'm a little impatient (What?! Total shocker, I know!) so I messed up the first layer trying to add a second layer and then everything started to look like cancer and leprosy mixed together. For your sakes, I did *not* take a picture of that. There are 22 different metallic colors. I only tried 4 of them: light silver, dark gold, spring green, and purple. Only the spring green had the thin consistency issue. And regardless...once actually dry...all of them stayed right where I wanted them. I had to use my fingernails to scrape the surface. And that's gross. Don't do that on your own cookies.

So...the bottom line -- at about $6 a bottle -- would I buy these again? YES! And I'm even willing to try a few new colors too! I'll keep a running tab at the bottom of this post with the colors I've tried and whether they have a thick or thin coverage. And if you try some -- let me know and I'll add it to the appropriate list!

Speaking of which -- who wants to try some?! I have an extra light silver and an extra spring green for one of you! You can try out the spring green and tell me if I'm pure crazy and you can love the light silver like it was your long lost child. Just click the ENTER button below for your chance to own them both! Giveaway ends at midnight on Friday, February 26, 2016.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have you tried these? Did you love them or hate them? Were the colors you tried thick or thin?

THICK COVERAGE COLORS: Metallic Light silver, Metallic Dark Gold, Metallic Purple, Pearlescent Cerise, Metallic Copper, Metallic Midnight Blue, Metallic Red

THIN COVERAGE COLORS: Pearlescent Spring Green, Pearlescent Lilac, Pearlescent Baby Pink


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