I thought about going out shopping today. But not in the kind of way that would ever lead to me changing out of these yoga pants or actually putting on sneakers. It's possible that I would be willing to wear sandals. But only if it was already 4pm and we had no more milk or diapers or toilet paper and my children needed cough medicine. And also if my house was on fire and the only way to save it was to get in line at Radio Shack. I could do it then.
Otherwise, I'm just going to sit here and bask in the joy that is knowing the CHRISTMAS SEASON IS REALLY TRULY AND FINALLY HERE!!! We're going to eat soup today. And simultaneously listen to Christmas music and watch Christmas movies while desperately trying to detangle ourselves from the mountain of Christmas lights gnawing on our legs because we were hoping to figure out which one of those hundreds of bulbs was the sell-out. Because THIS YEAR will be different. This year we're actually going to fix all those lights from the bucket of Christmas light despair. Because today is the first day of the Christmas Season! And when all else fails... we're going to make Christmas cookies. Am I right? (Please say yes!!)
If you want to make these cookies... you should probably start with the eyeballs. I made them just like I make all my other eyeballs, (Click HERE for the tutorial.) except this time I added a light blue middle right after the dark blue middle. I cannot believe the difference it makes. I'm going to make all my eyeballs with two colors in the iris. Unless I'm feeling lazy. Which is probably going to happen more than I'd like to admit.
1. Four steps. You guys, it's a FOUR STEP partridge. It's practically begging you to make it! Use a medium consistency of blue icing. Start just above the beak and curve down towards the tail. Finish outlining the top edge and fill in. Let it dry for a couple of hours so there's no chance the colors are going to start feeling festive and get all mixed together after the next step.
2. Outline and fill in the rest of the head and tummy section. Let it drive for 15 minutes or so.
3. Add the beak by making a big ol'dot of red-orange icing where it meets the rest of the head and then while keeping the tip inside the icing, drag it out and down to the bottom of the beak area.
4. Pull your icing eyeballs off the wax paper and attach them with just a little bit of thick white icing. Use the same icing to draw that doodle thing on top of the partridge's head. I found it easier to start from the tip and work backwards toward the head. But you can do what you want.
Happy Christmas Season Start Day to everyone!! And if you're shopping-- good luck with that too!