You know how some people have super powers? Like, they can see through walls and jump over buildings and read people's minds from across town and basically they are the coolest people in the entire world and everyone wants to be them or date them or at least hang out with them and occasionally borrow their powers when they aren't looking? I have the opposite of that. I have super un-powers.
For instance... getting ketchup to come OUT of the bottle and ON to the hot dog. It's like I can either do one or the other. Or neither, really. I start squeezing the bottle and nothing comes out. And nothing and nothing and then all of a sudden there is a giant ketchup line across the wall of my kitchen and someone is screaming, "My eye! My eye!" And that person might be me because I literally have no idea what just happened. And it's all so confusing and slightly terrifying.
Because what if I have an arch-enemy and I don't even know it? What if they placed that exact ketchup bottle at the store right where they knew I would see it. And want it. And take it home. And they built it so the ketchup wouldn't actually come out until the most inopportune moment. And then BAM! my kitchen is a wreck, children are crying, and no one is getting ketchup on their hotdog unless they want to scrape it off the wall with a spatula.
Also, I'm really bad at cleaning my kitchen after making a jillion cookies. It's not my fault. It's my un-power. To make up for it, I spend copious amounts of time thinking about the density of cookie icing in relation to the consistency of said icing...which can only lead to coconut cookies.
1. Ice the cookie with a 12-15 second brown icing. It is really important that the icing is not any thicker or the surface will harden too fast for the holes to sink.
2. Add a shine line with lighter brown icing of the same thickness.
3. This is where it gets kind of fun and interesting. Mix a bit of water into your dark brown icing. It should be very nearly the consistency of orange juice. It should disappear back on itself in less than a second. It is tricky to control at this consistency, and you only need a drop so I just put some into an icing tip and push it out with my finger. Not that it needs any pushing. It comes out quickly enough on it's own. Put 3 drops on top of your cookie as immediately as you can after flooding it.
4. Then just wait. As you wait and watch and wait some more, you will notice that the thinner drops are heavier and are sinking and becoming actual holes or dents in the coconut. It's the best science project ever. You know, because you get to eat it and it doesn't explode your house.
PS -- I used this same trick on the button cookies I made a few months ago.
PPS -- You can find Callye's Simple Tropical Leaf Cookie Tutorial over at her blog The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle. She used leaf cutters, but I just used Easter egg cutters. And then found my leaf cutters two days later. Apparently, finding cutters I need with any appreciable speed or efficiency is also one of my un-powers.