Challenge Yourself -- Think Outside the Cutter

You know, I used to be able to post these challenges on the second day of the month and pretend that I meant to do that because it was technically still the first day of the month somewhere in the world. Now it's not even close to that. In fact, it's already the THIRD day of the month in some parts of the world. And the third day of the month is practically the 4th and by that point it's very nearly the end of the month and I've missed it all entirely. Except I haven't and that means it's time for another CHALLENGE! Yeay! This is the best day ever! We're all excited out of our minds. (Well, either that or we've all just eaten a smidgeon too much of that leftover Easter candy. And I'm not naming names or anything, but those empty candy wrappers scattered all around my computer didn't just walk themselves there and plop down for the scenery. My computer isn't even attractive. It's the regular old black and gray thing. Also, I don't think it's ever done a single pull up or gone running or anything.)

Umm... my point is...


I really wanted to do another Creative Cookie Contest like last year. That was so much fun and completely unbelievable to see what amazing ideas everyone came up with! But I really do want to cultivate a spirit of adventure and building and just loving each other instead of competing. So this will be basically the same concept, but without the judging. Ready?

Take this cutter. Or you can take the cutter you have that also looks like this. Or you can just hand cut a shape that looks remotely like this. And then make a cookie that isn't a diamond ring. Take part of it out, or add part of another cutter to it if you want. I don't mind. It's your call. Just be sure to take a picture so you have a chance to win some fun prizes like...

Super Pearl Luster Dust and a luster duster brush thingie...

AND... a copper cutter of your choice from It doesn't have to be their new Belgium Plaque Cutter, but I can tell you now... that's the one *I* would choose!


1. Make a cookie using the diamond ring cutter shape that is not a diamond ring.
2. Link it up here by midnight on the last day of April. (Or the day after that...but not any later.)
3. Enter as many designs as you like.
4. Winner will be drawn via and will have 1 week to respond.

Remember, you do NOT have to have a blog or public Facebook page to participate! You can post photos at the Cookiers R Us Forum or on Flickr. Both are free to sign up. Upload your photo. Click on your photo and then grab the link from the top. Click on the blue "Add Your Link" button below all the pictures and paste that link. Check out THIS TUTORIAL from The Bearfoot Baker if you need some visuals.  Email me if you need help!


This is a short biography of the post author and you can replace it with your own biography.