It's Your Day, Mr. President Cookie
Today started out just like any other day... with a child crying. And then multiple children crying. And then me pretending like I can't hear them crying. And then one of them climbed onto my bed from the end all the way to the top. And took all the pillows. And half of the blanket. And if this day was like every other day that would have been the end of struggle for sleep.
But today wasn't just like any other day. Today is a HOLIDAY. My husband doesn't have to work. And my child doesn't have to go to school. And breakfast doesn't have to be made and coerced into anyone's tiny little tummy. And I don't have to run around searching for matching socks and collecting library books. And best of all... my husband has an even lower tolerance level for children in the bed than I do. And that means... I totally pretended like I was still sleeping and he got up and found teddy bears and blankets and glasses of milk for my darling young children. And I got to sleep for another 40 minutes. FORTY MINUTES. That's like 3 weeks of sleeping in mom years. Best day ever.
Also, today is President's Day. And that means that I get to show you all the cookies I made for this day. And even better, I get to show you an entire COLLECTION of cookies made by some seriously talented cookie decorating friends. Are you ready? Because, I'll be honest. I was simply stunned by the incredible cookies that came from this project. (Which was the complete brainchild of Anne from Flour Box Bakery. And if you don't know her, you should know that she has the sweetest family ever, she decorates the cutest cookies, and honestly comes up with the best project ideas in the whole wide world.)
This is James Madison. He was a good guy. And smart. And he basically wrote the Bill of Rights. And then became the fourth president of the United States.
This is Gerald Ford. He was never elected. Crazy, huh? Richard Nixon's Vice President resigned in 1973. As per the 25th Amendment, Nixon appointed Gerald Ford as the new Vice President. And then when Nixon himself resigned in 1974 he became president of The United States of America.
And these are the rest of the most amazing set of cookies I've ever seen. Go visit as many as you can possibly handle. Then maybe take a nap before going to see the rest of them!