1156 Facebook Fans Giveaway Extravaganza


I've been working on the technology to make balloons drop from your ceiling when you open this post. There have been some late nights. And quite a bit of cookie eating. And in the end, I figured that  it would be better to skip the balloons. You know, for the sake of all of you who might read this post at work. I wouldn't want your co-workers to get all jealous or anything. See? I'm always looking out for you like that.

So...a giveaway.... don't mind if I do.

I have 3 groups of fantastic prizes to give away to 3 of you. Let's just get right down to it.

In the purple group, I have a Hello Kitty sandwich cutter and press. (You cut out the sandwich and then use the press to .... you know... press the face into the sandwich.) And I am giving away my very favorite Korean cookbook. It's in English, in case you were nervous or anything. And it has a list of substitute ingredients because you probably don't live in Korea. (Because seriously -- if you live in Korea and you like me, and you haven't told me you live here -- just come over already!)

In the green group, I have a Hello Kitty sandwich cutter/press AND a beautiful green Asian type apron and some chopsticks  for like 6 people. Even though I purchased this apron here in Korea, I can't guarantee it is Korean. This is a small peninsula that has been occupied by more than one country in its very long history. But it might be Korean, and it looks real nice either way.

And in the blue group, I am again giving away a Hello Kitty sandwich cutter/press and....


Ummm....a matchbox car that is. 

Look, I know it's going to be an all out fight for that little pink car, so I've decided to mask its identity. I have randomly placed each of these groups of items into 3 different shipping boxes. (And by random, I mean, I let my 4 year old do it.) And then I labeled them. With pink sticky notes. Because that is what I had in my drawer. And also because I didn't really think that it matters how I labeled them. The point is that I labeled them.

I know what you are thinking right now -- SO HOW IN THE WORLD DO I WIN SOMETHING??

I'll tell you. Leave me a comment by midnight on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 telling me which box you want to win. And no, I won't tell you which group is in which box. And you can't judge it by size. See? It's FUN. That's why I get to call it an EXTRAVAGANZA.

My good friend random.org is going to help me pick out 3 comments. And in the event that the 3 winners  have NOT chosen different boxes, there will be a showdown on Facebook. But that's all I'm going to say about that.


This is a short biography of the post author and you can replace it with your own biography.