How To Make Decorated Easter Basket Cookies

Learn how to use royal icing to make decorated baskets for spring and Easter ~ tutorial

Remember how I was all like, "I love Spring. It's warm and fun"?

It snowed that day. And I'm pretty sure it was on purpose. And I had to move heavy furniture in the snow. Up hill. Both ways.

And then today the snow melted and it was so hot in my car and I was ABSOLUTELY convinced that it was really and truly spring. I was so certain that I took every single one of my four children with me to the garden store. (I'm telling you -- I think Spring has brainwashed me. I made myself promise last year not to take any of them to the garden store with me ever again....something about the baby chicks that were accidentally set loose in the store.) (I actually don't know why there are baby chicks at the garden store. That wasn't really the point. The point is - I've lost my mind and it's all Spring's fault.)

My daughters promised to be on their best behavior this time and within seconds were doing ballet leaps in the middle of the parking lot... which sounds adorable until you realize there are CARS in the parking lot. Some old gentleman about 10 feet in front of them nearly had a heart attack trying to corral the two of them away from the car that was (thankfully!) moving at a snail pace while I was shouting their names, and desperately trying to extricate my baby from the complicated web of buckles that is her car seat. It's like they don't even live in the same world at all. My youngest actually ran into the gentleman before she noticed him.

Basically what I am saying is that I ended up buying a rake that is literally bigger than I am, an ergonomic hand trowel and sod.


I don't even own a truck. So now my muscles hurt, my car is full of dirt, and my little girls are safe in their beds dreaming their princess dreams. Actually... you know what? I still like Spring.

And I love when I get to use one of my cousin's cards as inspiration. You know how it is. I spend too much time looking at all of her amazing paper creations over at her blog -- Simply Pam's Creations and then I turn one of them into a set of cookies. Like these flowers. And then one thing leads to another and I dehydrator is overflowing with cookies. Want to see how I made the baskets?

Learn how to use royal icing to make decorated baskets for spring and Easter ~ tutorial

1.Gather up all those extra flowers you've made and kept and never had another use for. I made some golden egg transfers too, but you could also just use candies or sprinkles if you like.
2. Use thick white icing and a #3 tip to pipe vertical lines across the basket portion of the cookie.
3. Switch to a #5 tip. Pipe horizontal lines across ever other vertical line. Alternate which vertical lines you cross with each line.
4. Continue all the way to bottom.
5. Make some fancy squiggles at the top and bottom of the basket. I just made a series of M's and W's. Easy peasy.
6. Add a handle to the basket and let the cookie dry for an hour or so.
7. Pipe some green icing over the bottom 2/3 of the open basket area. Cover with graham cracker crumbs mixed with green food coloring. Shake it off gently while it is still wet.
8. While the icing is still wet, push some of the royal icing transfers into the icing. You can stop there or you can add some dimension by painting over the basket with dark food coloring. (I mixed some black and white together.)

See it all in action. You know...if that works better for you.


The cutter I used is no longer available for purchase, but you could use THIS ONE or THIS ONE instead.
Find out how I made the EGGS IN A NEST cookie. 
See what cookie my cousin made into a card HERE
Get the moss tutorial HERE

Learn how to use royal icing to make decorated baskets for spring and Easter ~ tutorial


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