The Arty McGoo U Online Revolution -- What YOU Need To Know

Remember how Arty McGoo is the funniest and talented cookie decorator I've ever known?! It's really not fair that any one person should have that much skill and grace. And I would be TOTALLY jealous, except she's just ... SO GOSH DARN NICE!!!


And I should know. Because one time...she let me come hang out with her for the weekend. And we decorated cookies. And kind of got ourselves into a liiiiitle bit of a fist-fight over some fantasy cookie decorating teams. And all in the name of filming new episodes for Arty McGoo U online! That's right! It's ONLINE!

In case you are as easily confused as I am, let me explain how it works. Ms. Arty McGoo teaches a master class to some already very talented cookies decorators. This super fun guy named Brad (and all his crew) film it. YOU get to watch it in your jammies.

Then -- SURPRISE!!! --- they have a super-top-secret-special guest. That guest shows everyone how to make more cookies. And then everyone gets to chat about cookies. And other stuff... but I forget the other stuff because... hello! I'm talking to people that like to talk about COOKIES!

And then Arty McGoo and the special guest get into a fight. Wait. That was just me. Her other special guests had fun of their own kind that did *not* involve Cheetos or bodily harm.

Then --Abracadabra!! Magic happens and it all turns into videos that you can watch online. And as much as Arty McGoo would like to send it to everyone, apparently, magic isn't free like it used to be. So you do have to be a subscriber. But once you subscribe you can watch ANY of the videos from any month as long as your subscription is current. (So... for example... if you subscribe for the month of December, you can watch the October, November and December videos for the entire month of December.)

But since she desperately wants to be able to share every moment of this huge undertaking with you.... she has made November's Fantasy Cookie League video public. FOR EVERYONE to watch. Much to my chagrin.  CLICK HERE TO GO OVER AND CHECK IT OUT. (For free!)

Then come back here... because in the spirit of Arty McGoo U Online... I made my own little video to show you how to make the rosette swirl cookies! Yeay! Videos all around! (Except, I am clearly not as talented as my friends at McGoo U Online... so sorry about filming my own thumb for a good 15 seconds.)

The tree designs are from one of my other very favorite cookie decorators and the December guest on Arty McGoo U Online -- Callye from The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle. Okay... get to watching those videos!

This is a short biography of the post author and you can replace it with your own biography.